Donald Trump: Was he right all along?
Trump wants “total and complete shutdown of borders to Muslims.”

Harsh words from a man many think, even believe is a racist. Now I am not in a position to agree or disagree with anyone on this topic. “I have no dog in the fight” an infamous quote from the Braveheart actor Mel Gibson on his own racial views towards another minority group.
But do we need to rethink the ban? Was it, in fact, a good idea? Now I do not agree with banning any minority for any reason, be it the colour of their skin sexual or religious beliefs.
But the world has changed from when Trump first wanted his ban. Covid-19 has taken over the world and our very day to day lives have changed. No longer can we socialize like we once had done when the world was carefree.
Covid-19 cases worldwide:
16 million confirmed cases.
9.1 million recovered from it.
649 thousand Deaths.
For stats click here.

This virus is only going to get worse just look at America, it has become political. Anti-social distancing groups, anti-facemask groups, this at a time when the second wave hasn’t struck. Some minor flare-ups in China but so far, the second wave of coronavirus has yet to hit.
At this moment America and Brazil are the worst affected countries, with India not far behind. The population of India stands at an enormous 1.353 billion people. All three nations account for 25% of the world’s population.
The second wave is coming, the virus will take more lives. The virus will worsen, the numbers of infected with increase significantly. Panic will follow, looting for the basic of amenities will happen again as we saw with the hoarding of toilet paper (this was strange to me)
But now 25% of the world is rioting because they’re the hardest hit. They’re crying out for help, and the scariest thing they’re crying out for an escape.
Now my worry grows, the stats from Ireland where I live, here.
25, 881 cases.
23,364 recovered.
1,764 deaths.

Ireland has dealt with Covid-19 as best we could. Us Irish for the most part obeyed social distancing. We are wearing masks when on public transport. The laws our leaders ask of us to obey to defeat this virus we follow. I don’t want to make it sound like Ireland is perfect it’s not.
But what worries me and many of my people is this new thread of visitors coming to our shores. In one instant, a group of six American tourists somehow got into the country. Going about their holiday as if the virus were not real. When a local man asked them who they were out of concern.
He was told they were from Texas here for a ten-day holiday. He asked them where they were Quarantining which is a basic demand the government makes for all people arriving in-country. The man was told “no, we’re not doing that, we are here to enjoy ourselves.”
Not but a week after that, two more Americans arrived in Dublin, they had been travelling Europe throughout this whole thing and decided to come to Ireland. They did not quarantine, nor did they fill out forms letting us all know where they were staying. Customs asks everyone coming into the country to stay in one place for two weeks to fight against the virus. This has led to a Garda (Irish Police) investigation.
So how will our elected officials protect us when the second wave hits. This time 25% of the world’s population is worse off than before (worst-case Scenario). Now they’re looking for an escape.
Do we open our borders and allow everyone in, allowing the virus back in? 1 in 3 new cases in Ireland is linked to people coming into the country. Need I do the math on the horrors of 25% of the world’s population seeking refugee from their home. (honestly do not ask me to do it, the numbers of increased infections would be horrendous)
Ban everyone from entering.
The big bold writing overhead does not sound so bad now does it? I still do not agree with Trump and his ban on Muslims or any other group. But we need to seriously sit down and think about this. The second wave is coming. Closing our doors to visitors would help fight off the virus.

It’s not a permanent solution, but it is a solution none the less. Close our doors for the short to medium term until an anti-virus is found.
Do the right thing, even though it might sound horrible or unconstitutional. This might help us to finally defeat this virus once and for all. Allowing us all to get back to the way things were when the world was carefree.